

在最新一期的Computer杂志(Feb. 2007, Vol. 40, No. 2) 里,有一篇叫Developers Shift to Dynamic Programming Languages的文章。文章简单介绍了一下dynamic language目前的发展和使用状况。其中给出了一个来自Tiobe Software的关于计算机语言的受欢迎程度的调查。根据这个调查,目前最受欢迎的20种计算机语言排名如下:

  1. Java
  2. C
  3. C++
  4. Visual Basic
  5. PHP
  6. Perl
  7. C#
  8. Python
  9. JavaScript
  10. Ruby
  11. SAS
  12. Delphi
  13. PL/SQL
  14. D
  15. ABAP
  16. Lisp/Scheme
  17. Ada
  18. Cobol
  19. Pascal
  20. Transact/SQL

其中1-4,7,12,14,17,19,20是static language,其余的是dynamic language。Dynamic language中目前使用最广泛的是PHP。

文中还比较有意思的一个地方,是一位叫做Les Hatton的教授的观点:

Computing has proven to be a fashion industry with little or no relationship with engineering. Many new programming approaches are just something new to try before something newer comes along. Dynamic languages are just the current software-development fashion. They will appear, hang around for a while, and then disappear. This is what happens when fashion dictates progress rather than engineering concepts such as measurement, validation, root-cause analysis, and defect prevention.

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