Books on Information Retrieval (General)
Modern Information Retrieval. R. Baeza-Yates, B. Ribeiro-Neto. Addison-Wesley, 1999. Currently the most widely used and cited.
Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Heuristics. D.A. Grossman, O. Frieder. Springer, 2004. Excellent textbook, #1 or #2 seller on Amazon.
Managing Gigabytes. I.H. Witten, A. Moffat, T.C. Bell. Morgan Kaufmann, 1999. The authority on index construction and compression.
Finding Out About. R. Belew. CAMbridge UP, 2001. More suitable for undergraduate classes than other books listed here.
Information Retrieval: A Health and Biomedical Perspective. W.R. Hersh. Springer, 2002. As the title says: a health/biomedical perspective.
TREC: Experiment and Evaluation in Information Retrieval. E.M. Voorhees, D.K. Harman. MIT Press, 2005. A survey of recent research results.
Language Modeling for Information Retrieval. W.B. Croft, J. Lafferty. Springer, 2003. Language models are of increasing importance in IR.
Readings in Information Retrieval. K. Sparck Jones, P. Willett. Morgan Kaufmann, 1997. A collection of classical IR papers.
Recommended Reading for IR Research Students. A. Moffat, J. Zobel, D. Hawking. SIGIR Forum, 39(2), 2005. Not a book, but a collection of seminal papers, more up-to-date than Sparck-Jones et al.
Information Storage and Retrieval Systems. G. Kowalski, M.T. Maybury. Springer, 2005. "... takes a system approach, discussing all aspects of an Information Retrieval System."
The Geometry of Information Retrieval. C.J. van Risjbergen. Cambridge UP, 2004. Am ambitious attempt to develop quantum mechanics as a new foundation for IR.
Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval. G.G. Chowdhury. Neal-Schuman, 2003. Intended for students of library and information studies.
Text Information Retrieval Systems. C. Meadow, B. Boyce, D. Kraft. Academic Press, 2000. Also takes a library/information science perspective. More Books
Books on Web Information Retrieval
Mining the Web: Analysis of Hypertext and Semi Structured Data. S. Chakrabarti. Morgan Kaufmann, 2002. The best introduction for web-centric IR.
Google's PageRank and beyond: The science of Search Engine Rankings. Amy N. Langville, Carl D. Meyer. Princeton University Press, 2006. More focused on the algorithms of PageRank, but also covers general web IR.
Modeling the Internet and the Web: Probabilistic Methods and Algorithms. P. Baldi, P. Frasconi, P. Smyth. Wiley, 2003. A bit terse. Recommended for those who have a good foundation in probability theory, but are new to IR.
Online Books - Browsable
Introduction to Information Retrieval. C.D. Manning, P. Raghavan, H. Schütze. Cambridge UP, 2007. Draft. Focuses on algorithms and mathematical foundations without neglecting practical issues in building search systems. Equal coverage of classical IR and newer topics like XML, machine learning techniques and web search engines.
Finding Out About. R. Belew's book (w/o figures and equations), see above.
Information Retrieval. C. J. van Rijsbergen. Butterworths, 1979. The classic. Almost 40 years old, but still worth reading.
Information Retrieval. T. van der Weide. 2004. Introduction to IR and hypertext.
Online Books - PDF
Introduction to Information Retrieval. C.D. Manning, P. Raghavan, H. Schütze. Cambridge UP, 2007
. Information Retrieval in Practice. B. Croft, D. Metzler, T. Strohman. Pearson Education, 2009. (two chapters)
Information Retrieval. C. J. van Rijsbergen. Butterworths, 1979.
Information Retrieval Interaction. P. Ingwersen. Taylor Graham, 1992. Focuses on user interaction in IR.
Information Retrieval: A Survey. Ed Greengrass. 2000. Good survey of "classical" IR, but little or no coverage of recent work (e.g., language models, PageRank, SVMs). Various tutorials at Mi Islita
Research Centers
Dublin CU
Geneva (Viper)
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
Illinois Institute of Technology Information Retrieval Facility (IRF)
Microsoft Research
Queen Mary
U. of Washington
Berkeley (SIMS)
Johns Hopkins I
Johns Hopkins II
Maryland MPI
U. of Sunderland
Multimedia Information Retrieval
U. of Stuttgart
Problem Sets / Assignments
U. of Massachusetts
-->Bilkent DePaul Georgetown Minas Gerais North Texas Stuttgart Tennessee
Web Information Retrieval Search Engine Watch Users' Guide to Web Searching PageRank
Subareas, Applications, Methods
-->Information Retrieval & Extraction Information Retrieval & Machine Learning Text Mining & Web Mining INEX: XML retrieval Geographic Information Retrieval Music Information Retrieval
Music Information Retrieval (2)
-->CLIR & Multilingual Information Retrieval
Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR)
-->Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) Resources N-Grams in Information Retrieval Agent-based Information Retrieval Audio Information Retrieval Adversarial Information Retrieval
Conferences TREC Cross Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) SIGIR 2007 (last), SIGIR 2008 (next) CIKM 2007, CIKM 2008 WWW 2008, WWW 2009 JCDL 2008, JCDL 2009 RIAO 2004, RIAO 2007 ECIR 2008, ECIR 2009 AIRS 2006, AIRS 2008 SPIRE 2007, SPIRE 2008 Norbert Fuhr's IR conference calendar
Journals ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS): dblp home Information Processing and Management (IP&M): dblp home Information Retrieval: dblp home International Journal on Digital Libraries: dblp home Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology (JASIST): dblp home SIGIR Forum: dblp home Journal of Documentation D-Lib Magazine Data & Knowledge Engineering: dblp home Information Processing Letters: dblp home Information Research Information Systems: dblp home Journal of Intelligent Information Systems: dblp home Knowledge and Information Systems: dblp home Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval: home
Popular Articles Wikipedia: Information Retrieval A. Singhal: Modern Information Retrieval: A Brief Overview S.E. Robertson, K. Sparck Jones: Simple, proven approaches to text retrieval Bruce Croft: What Do People Want From IR Information Retrieval on the World Wide Web Michael Lesk: The Seven Ages of Information Retrieval
Marcia J. Bates: ... Getting Web Information Retrieval Right ...
Software C. Middleton, R. Baeza-Yates: A Comparison of Open Source Search Engines (contains an up-to-date list of available search engine software) Doug Oard's list of available text retrieval systems Avi Rappoport: open source search engines
-->MySQL full text search
-->Text to Matrix Generator, a MATLAB toolbox for indexing, retrieval and other text processing tasks
Collections U. of Glasgow list of available text retrieval collections NLP/IR corpus list at NUS NLP/IR corpus list at Edinburgh Internet archive (limited availability) Linguistic Data Consortium
Professional Organizations ACM SIGIR BCS IRSG
Other Collections of Information Retrieval Links ACM SIGIRDavid Karger
Other Resources Glossary (Modern Information Retrieval) Information retrieval research links @ Search Tools BUBL: Information Retrieval Links LSU: Information Retrieval Systems Open Directory: Information Retrieval Links UBC: Indexing Resources IR & Neural Networks, Symbolic Learning, Genetic Algorithms A stop list (a list of stop words)
IR links
IR links
(U. of Tokushima)
IR resources
(Mark Sanderson)
Open Directory: Information Retrieval
-->Chris Manning's NLP resources Weiguo Patrick Fan's text mining links
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